Carol Leone Child Care provides full day care for children starting at the age of six-weeks and continuing through to a full day Pre-Kindergarten program. We are proud to say that our Pre-Kindergarten program in our four-year old room and our Pre-School program in our three-year old room are licensed by the State of Pennsylvania’s Department of Education.
Rooted in the philosophy on the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the Carol Leone Early Childhood Education program is designed to help your child develop physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally at his or her own pace. We believe that children learn through play, through investigation of the environment, and through interaction with peers and adults. Furthermore, we believe that childhood is a happy, vibrant, and playful time when children are quite naturally curious about everything around them. Our goal is to help children develop and learn by providing a rich environment that will encourage this curiosity and imagination.